Amazon Cognito
Amazon Cognito is a service for implementing customer identity and access management (CIAM). It can be used to add user authentication and access control to your applications, as well as controlling access to your organisation’s use of other AWS services. It handles all associated requirements such as password management and role-based authentication while adhering to applicable data security standards.

High-performing, scalable user directory
Cognito effortlessly scales to millions of users with a fully managed, high-performance, and reliable user directory. It also scales downwards seamlessly, so inactive user accounts don’t accrue large costs as they aren’t generating authentication requests.
Advanced security features for sign-up and sign-in
Add advanced security features such as risk-based adaptive authentication, compromised credential monitoring, and security metrics to support your compliance and data residency requirements.

Engage customers with flexible authentication
Allow customers to sign in directly, or through social or enterprise identity providers, to a hosted UI with your branding.
Cognito in our work
We incorporated Cognito into the cloud platform we built for My5, Channel 5’s on-demand TV service. The system now handles around 16 million users authenticating across a variety of smart TVs, mobiles, and third-party apps.
A key benefit of Cognito for My5 is the flexible way in which the costs scale based on usage. This means that inactive users, whose details remain in storage but are not generating authentication requests, do not lead to large running costs. As a result our platform incurs significant savings compared to their previous solution.

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